Sorrel is a beautiful plant that is incredibly easy to grow. There is the broad leaf variety pictured above and also a lovely red veined variety that is so pretty with the red throughout. It is a perennial green that produces early in spring and late into the fall. It is a lovely plant to grow in your garden and is a super healthy green that is popping up at more and more farmers market stands. It produces masses of edible green leaves filled with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and potassium. In the spring time, it adds a pop of colour and bright taste to an early green salad and later in the year it works well added to other greens in recipes or in making a sauce (it is kind of like the squeeze of lemon juice). The leaves have a tangy lemony taste that is a little sour and bitter. Some describe it as a sour apple candy taste. I love having it in my garden and have enjoyed finding interesting ways to use it.
This quick and easy pesto is made with sorrel, garlic, sunflower seeds, salt, and olive oil. This fresh light lemony tasting pesto adds a boost of flavour to roasted potatoes, gnocchi, pasta, soup, and sauces. It also makes a wonderful and healthy alternative to butter or mayo on avocado tomato toast or sandwiches.
Sorrel Pesto
20 sorrel leaves
2 cloves garlic
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
Add sorrel, garlic and sunflower seeds to food processor and process until leaves and seeds are ground up. Add parmesan cheese, salt and olive oil. Taste to adjust seasonings, adding salt, olive oil as needed to desired consistency. This pesto will keep well refrigerated or can be frozen for later use.
I love sorrel. I don't know why it's not popular here. Back in
Russia it was a symbol of summer. We used to make the most delicious
sorrel and potato soup and I could have it three times a day. I
don't know why I never thought of growing it myself.I can't eat
raw leafy greens, but I think i could still eat it in a soup.
Nice! I just planted sorrel a few weeks ago.
Next year, I'll know what to do with it.
Nice to see more recipes for it.
Hi Laura! It's my first time visiting — hello from Calgary! 🙂
I'm going to make a point to hunt down some Sorrel (I've never
had it before!) and try this recipe. I love a good pesto and this one
sounds so interesting. I just pinned the recipe to save it for later.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Have a fantastic weekend,
~ Justine
Sorrel grows all over my garden and I never know what to do with it.
This is the perfect solution!! I can make it in big batches and freeze
it. I will substitute a vegan parmesan for the cheese, and it easily
makes it vegan. Thanks for the great idea 🙂